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There was a buzz around Clark. Given Trump wanted to make him attorney general in the final days of his first term, it is likely that Clark would be a serious contender for the top job in a second term.

Patel’s message to the audience was that things would be different next time. A source in the room said later the takeaway from the session was that if Trump took office in 2025, he would target agencies that conservatives have not traditionally viewed as adversarial.

Marc Caputo for NBC summarized the Trump effect: “Since leaving office last year 188 candidates backed by the former president have won primaries. 14 have lost and two dropped out or were disqualified before Election Day.”

Bolsonaro's first rise to publicity came in 1986 when he gave an interview to the news magazine Aprecie. He complained about low military salaries and claimed that the High Command was firing officers due to budgetary cuts and not because they were displaying 'deviations of conduct', as the command was telling the press.

Tudo farei de modo a qual Praticamente e todos os Matosinhenses permitam sonhar utilizando 1 futuro melhor. Tudo farei para que os Matosinhenses permitam ser Muito mais felizes.

Por acuerdo con la Constitución vigente, el presidente tiene el deber general do desempeñar fielmente su cargo, mantener la independencia por la nación y guardar y hacer guardar la Constitución y las leyes, tal tais como lo señala el juramento este promesa que presta al asumir sus funciones.

Between rounds of golf, Trump is seething about the “ungrateful” and “treasonous” former officials from his administration who pop up on television, sometimes promoting a book, jair bolsonaro últimas notícias morreu hoje other times being praised or co-opted by his enemies.

En la búsqueda de la “paz total”, con el cese unilateral por hostilidades anunciado por el Clan del Golfo, se esperan pronto noticias A respeito de los diálogos qual se iniciarán con el ELN y con las disidencias do las Farc.

They have plugged into the younger staff populating hard-right offices bolsonaro sair psl on Capitol Hill and seek to attract a steady flow of young ideologues through events and a podcast.

Miller has his eye out for general counsels who will aggressively implement Trump’s orders and skeptically interrogate any career government attorney who tells them their plans are unlawful or cannot be done.

He remains fixated on the “stolen” 2020 election. He cannot stop talking about it, no matter how many allies advise him it would serve his political interests to move on. Most have stopped trying.

The request by Nessel for a special prosecutor is the latest chapter in a political and legal saga that has spawned numerous conspiracy theories, midia sowed election doubts and could impact the elections in key 2024 battleground states.

Se tal maioria nãeste for alcançada no primeiro turno, o segundo turno ocorre com ESTES 2 candidatos mais votados do primeiro.

One important hub of 2025 preparations is the Conservative Partnership Institute (CPI), an organization whose nonprofit status under the tax code allows it to conceal its donors’ identities. CPI is a who’s-who of Trump’s former administration and the “America First” movement.

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